ceedings in such suit or action, issue, presentment or
indictment may be so transmitted, shall hear and de-
termine the same in like manner as if such suit or
action, issue, presentment or indictment had been
originally instituted therein ; and the General Assem-
bly shall make such modification of existing law as
may be necessary to regulate and give force to this pro-
SEC. 2. And be it farther enacted by the authority
aforesaid, That the said foregoing section, hereby
proposed as an amendment to the Constitution, shall
be, at the next general election to be held in this
State, submitted to the legal and qualified voters
thereof for their adoption or rejection, in pursuance
of the direction contained in article fourteen of the
Constitution of this State; and at said general elec-
tion, the vote on said proposed amendment to the
Constitution shall be by ballot, and upon each bal-
lot there shall be written or printed the words, " for
the Constitutional amendment," or "against the
Constitutional amendment," as the voter shall elect;
and immediately after said election due returns shall
be made to the Governor, of the vote for and against
said proposed amendment, as directed by the said
fourteenth article of the Constitution.
Approved April 11th, 1874.