1912, oh. 845.
165. Every person shall have the power and authority to employ an
unlicensed plumber or a mechanic to do for such person repair work about
his premises situated in Montgomery, Talbot and St. Mary's counties,
Maryland, such as the repair of pumps, windmills, pipes, machinery and
work of like nature, and such plumber or mechanic shall not be compelled
to take out any "Master Plumber Certificate," "Journeyman Plumber's
Certificate," or "Apprentice Plumber's Certificate"; provided, however,
that if the said premises are situated in any town, village or city in said
county of more than one thousand inhabitants and the repair work to be
done is plumbing work, then it shall not be lawful for any person to per-
form such work unless he has first taken out a plumber's certificate as
provided in the Act of the General Assembly of Maryland, 1910, Chap-
ter 436.*
1910, ch. 200, sec. 1 (p. 1074).
166. The said Washington, Potomac and Chesapeake Railroad Com-
pany, a body corporate, is hereby required to operate two accommoda-
tion trains daily each way (Sundays excepted) over its railroad tracks
from, Mechanicsville, in St. Mary's County, to Brandywine, in Prince
George's County, the first train to leave Mechanicsville, in St. Mary's
County, each morning for Brandywine, so as to connect with trains of
the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, going
north and south, and thence leaving said Brandywine station for Me-
chanicsville not later than 9.30 A. M., and then to leave Mechanics-
ville not later than 12.30 P. M., so as to reach Brandywine Station in
time to connect with the trains of Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing-
ton Railroad Company in the afternoon going north and south, and thence
returning to Mechancsville not later than 8 P. M. each day, and this Act
shall apply to and be in full force as against any other railroad company,
by whatsoever name it may operate under or be called or known which
may acquire, purchase or lease or operate the said track and rolling stock
of the said Washington, Potomac and Chesapeake Railroad Company or
to the said Washington, Potomac and Chesapeake Railroad Company
operating under any change of name or incorporation.
1910, ch. 200, sec. 2 (p. 1075).
167. The freight charges for hauling articles of freight over said rail-
road, either in bulk or parcels, shall in no case be greater than twenty-
five per cent, above the published schedules of the Pennsylvania Railroad
*See Art. 43 of Annotated Code for general law as to plumbers. Sec. 2, ch. 845,
1912, repealed all laws Inconsistent therewith.