4344 ARTICLE 19.
one-half of said fine to be paid to the informer and the other half to be
paid to the County Commissioners for the use of the public schools.
1898, ch. 274, sec. 9GB. 1900, ch. 480, sec. 96B. 1902, ch. 610, sec. 96B.
159. Any person who shall have located on lots of ground within the
waters of St. Mary's county not exceeding two acres, as provided in chapter
480 of the Acts of nineteen hundred, may increase his holdings to five
acres, if he so desires, either by adding on to the original lot so held, or
taking up separate lot; provided, said lots shall not in all exceed five
acres, and that they shall be marked out and designed as hereinbefore
1890, ch. 380, sec. 1.
160. The body of water lying between the bar or shallows leading from.
Foster's Neck shore or landing, in the seventh election district of St.
Mary's county to St. Margaret's island, thence by the bar or shallows to
St. Catherine's island, and with said island and the long bar leading
from said island to the end thereof, opposite Waterloo point and the
main land, from said point to the first named bar or shallows, at Foster's
Neck landing, is hereby declared an interior body of water opposite St.
Mary's county.
1890, ch. 380, sec. 2.
161. It shall not be lawful for any one to take or catch oysters with
dredge, or scrape or scoop, or any other implement than tongs within the
limits of said sound.
1890, ch. 380, sec. 3.
162. Any one taking or catching oysters in said sound, in violation of
the preceding section of this act, shall be subject to the same fines and
penalties as are imposed on violators of the laws of the State, by illegal
dredging or scraping on any of the exempted oyster grounds of the State.
1906, ch. 825, sec. 1.
163. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use patent tonga
for taking or catching oysters from the waters of the tributaries of the'
Potomac river, in Saint Mary's county, +
1906, ch. 825, sec. 2.
164. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of Section
156 upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace, in the county
where the offense is committed, shall be fined not less than ten dollars and
costs, nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, and upon failure to pay
said fine "and costs shall be sentenced to the county jail for not less than
ten days nor more than sixty days, or both, in the discretion of the justice
of the peace before whom the case may be tried.
*Sec. 2, oh. 610, 1902, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.
+Sec. 3, ch. 825, 1906, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.