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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4346   View pdf image (33K)
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4346 ARTICLE 19.

Company for hauling freight either in bulk or parcels for the same dis-
tance in the State of Maryland.

1910, ch. 200, sec. 3 (p. 1075).

168. Failure to comply with the provisions of Sections 166 and 167
of this Article shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by
a fine of not less than fifty dollars for each day Section 166 of this Article
is not complied with, and by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for each
freight charge made in excess of the freight charge permitted by Section
167 of this Article. Said fine or fines to be recovered as other fines are
now recovered in the State of Maryland against corporations.

1929, ch. 122.

169. All the property, real and personal, of the Washington, Brandy-
wine and Point Look Out Railroad Company shall be exempt for a period
of four years, from all county and local taxation in Prince George's, St.
Mary's and Charles Counties.


P. L. L., 18S8, Art. 19, sec. 97. 1860, Art. 18, sec. 86.

170. A copy of any deed, mortgage, bill of sale or will, recorded in
pursuance of the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-one, chapter one hun-
dred and seventy-five, or the act of the same year, chapter one hundred
and twenty-seven, and which has been recorded by the clerk of the circuit

court for St. Mary's county, under the provisions of said acts, shall be
as available in evidence as a copy of either of said papers would have been
if the same had been taken from the original record books which were


P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 98. 1876, ch. 180.

171. Any person in St. Mary's county who shall be guilty of disposing
of property that has been levied upon by the proper law officer, and thereby
defeating the object of the law, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof shall be held responsible for twice the amount
of property so disposed of; and on failure to pay the same, shall be im-
prisoned in the county jail for a period of not more than six months, or
until said fine shall be paid.


P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 99. 1860, Art. 18, sec. 88.

172. No licensed retailer of spirituous liquors in said county shall be
held to answer for any violation of law forbidding spirituous liquors to
be drunk in and about his premises, but such prohibition shall be inopera-
tive in said county.

See secs. 125-139-


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4346   View pdf image (33K)
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