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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3174   View pdf image (33K)
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3174 ARTICLE 15.

State on conviction for misdemeanor, and the justice of the peace shall
make this a part of his judgment, "and said fines shall be applied to the
keeping of said bridge in repair."

1890, ch. 85, sec. 6.

74. The deed from said Chester bridge company to said county com-
missioners of Kent county and of Queen Anne's county shall be recorded
in both of said counties.

1890, ch. 85, sec. 7.

75. The levies under this act and the act to which this is supplementary

shall not, nor shall any part thereof be paid or be payable to the town

Commissioners of Chestertown, and that Section 118 of this Article shall
not apply to nor affect any levies for the purchase or repair of said bridge.


P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 45. 1864, ch. 196.

76. The county commissioners of Kent and Queen Anne's counties
shall yearly make such levies upon the assassable property of their respec-
tive counties as may be necessary to keep in repair the free bridge over

Chester river, at the place called Crumpton.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 46. 1864, ch. 196.

77. They shall employ some person to have charge of said bridge, who

shall attend every day from sunrise to sunset, to open the draw for the
passage of vessels, and who shall receive as a compensation seventy-five
dollars per year for such service.


P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 47. 1870, ch. 415.

78. All persons passing over the Sassafras river bridge on horseback, in

carriages, carts, wagons, sleighs or other vehicles, shall be required to
put their horses in a walk, otherwise they shall be fined five dollars for
each and every offence; it shall be the duty of the bridge tender to see
to the enforcement of this section; any justice of the peace for either
Kent county or Cecil county in which any party violating the above pro-
visions may be found, shall have jurisdiction in the matter; and the pen-
alty shall be recovered in the name of the county commissioners of said

counties, in an action of debt.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 48. 1870, ch. 415.

79. All captains, owners, masters and sailors of vessels, going through
the draw of said bridge, are required to lower and take in as much sail
as shall be necessary to prevent damage by carelessness, before going
through the same, and at a sufficient distance therefrom, to remove lia-
bility of injury or damage to said drawbridge by the headway of such


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3174   View pdf image (33K)
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