vessels, and shall use, in the management of said vessels, reasonable care
to prevent injury.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 49. 1870, ch. 415.
80. Any person who, by reason of gross neglect or inattention, shall,
violate the preceding section, shall be fined twenty-five dollars for each
and every such offence, and pay all damages that may be done to the-
said bridge.
1929, ch. 51, sec. 1.
81. Henry W. Catlin is hereby authorized to construct and maintain
a bridge over Churn Creek in Kent County, State of Maryland, from a
point on the North side of said Creek from his "Gemmill Farm" to his
"Churn Creek Farm" on the South side.
1929, ch. 51, sec. 2.
82. The said bridge shall be constructed and maintained in such a.
manner as to not interfere with navigation in said Creek, and that one
span of said bridge shall be a sufficient height and length to permit creek
traffic, whose draft, can use these waters.
1929, ch. 51, sec. 3.
83. The provisions of this Act are subject to all valid and applicable
provision of laws of the United States, concerning bridges over navigable
waters of the United States.
1890, ch. 483.
84. The county commissioners of Queen Anne's county, and the
county commissioners of Kent county, a majority of each board of said
commissioners concurring, shall have full power and authority to make
reasonable rules and regulations for the use, by the public, of all bridges
which are the joint property of the said counties of Kent and Queen
Anne's county, and for the protection of said bridges and other property
belonging thereto or therewith, and to enforce the observance of said
rules and regulations thus made, by imposing upon the party violating
said rules and regulations, any reasonable fine, not exceeding ten dollars,
for any violation of said rules and regulations, which fines shall be col-
lected as small debts are now collected, and shall be recovered in the
name of the county commissioners of said counties before any justice of
the peace of either of said counties in which the party violating such
rules and regulations shall be found, and on failure or refusal to pay
any fine imposed under this law, or inability to collect the same by legal
process, the party so fined may be committed to the county jail of the
county for a period not exceeding ten days, in the same manner as com-
mitments are made for fines imposed by the circuit courts of this State
on conviction for misdemeanors, and the justice of the peace shall make