dition for public use and travel, excepting that no steam engine, traction
or any other kind, shall be permitted to pass over said bridge without the
written authority of a majority of each of the boards of commissioners'
for said counties.
1890, ch. 85, sec. 3.
71. Whenever the county commissioners of Kent county and the
county commissioners of Queen Anne's county respectively, shall have
agreed with the stockholders of the Chester bridge company for the pur-
chase of the capital stock, property, franchises, rights and privileges of
said bridge company as authorized by the act of eighteen hundred and
eighty-eight, chapter three hundred and seventy-six, to which this act is
a supplement, which capital stock, property, franchises and privileges,
the said bridge company is hereby authorized to sell to said counties, and
whenever the purchase money so agreed on shall have been paid, then
the Said Chester bridge company is hereby authorized to convey to the
said commissioners of Kent county and of Queen Anne's county by deed
as authorized in said act of eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, chapter
three hundred and seventy-six, the said bridge over the Chester river
together with the toll-houses and grounds, the capital stock and all fran-
chises of said Chester bridge company not including however any judg-
ments, mortgages, bank stock, securities, investments, claims or accounts
against individuals belonging to said Chester bridge company, and that
thereafter said bridge shall be taken, held and perpetuated as a free
public bridge between said counties.
1890, ch. 85, sec. 4.
72. Any person having any right of action against said county com-
missioners for or on account of said bridge may sue either board of com-
missioners as he may elect, and for any recovery in any such suit the
commissioners of the other county shall be liable to contribute in propor-
tion to its ownership in said bridge.
1890, ch. 85, sec. 5.
73. The county commissioners of Kent county and of Queen Anne's
county a majority of each concurring, shall have full power and authority
to make reasonable rules and regulations for the use of said bridge by the
public, and for the protection of said bridge and other property belonging
thereto or therewith, and to enforce the observance thereof by imposing
upon the party violating the same, any reasonable fine not exceeding ten
dollars for any violation thereof, which fines shall be collected as small
debts are now collected, and shall be recovered in the name of the county
commissioners of said counties before any justice of the peace of either
of said counties in which the party violating such rules and regulations
shall be found, and on failure or refusal to pay and inability to collect
by legal process, the party so fined shall be committed to the county jail
of the county for a period not exceeding ten days in the same manner
as commitments are made for fines imposed by the circuit courts of this