2680 ARTICLE 11.
1900, ch. 575, sec. 460B. 1918 Code, sec. 843.
873. The person killing any mink or wild cat shall produce the head
and tail of the same before some justice of the peace for said county,
and make oath that said mink or wild cat was taken, wounded or killed
within the limits of said county, within six days then next preceding, and
said justice shall thereupon give such person a certificate wherein he shall
set forth the said oath, and shall at the same time cut off the ears and tail
and cut out the tongue from such so as to prevent a second allowance
1900, ch. 575, sec. 460C. 1918 Code, sec. 844.
874. The County Commissioners shall levy the amount of such allow-
ance upon the production of the certificate of the justice for the use of
the person holding the same.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 1.
875. That the inhabitants of the town of Woodsboro, in Frederick
County, Maryland, be and they are hereby constituted a body corporate
by the name of the "Burgess and Commissioners of Woodsboro," and by
that name shall have perpetual succession, may hold real and personal
property, sue and be sued and have and use a common seal.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 2.
876. The corporate limits of Woodsboro shall be as follows: Beginning
at the center of The Northern Central Railroad Company's tracks and
Mill Alley Crossing and running (1) N.87 1/2 W. 525 feet to the Allen
Bowers property, and clear of it and with it (2) N. 4514 E. 895 1/2 feet
to corner post at bend of Spahr's Lane North of warehouse. (3) S. 41 3/4
E. 873 feet to West Margin of the State Highway to Key Mar and with
said West Margin (4) S. 14 1/4 W. 384 feet to pin and clearing the Ray-
mond Gilbert and Lutz properties. (5) S. 66 1/2 W. 599 feet to intersect
the Eastern line of the original Woodstown extended North to the Johns-
ville Road in the North wheel track, and with said straight line and East-
ern boundary (6) S. 8 1/2 W. 1795 1/2 feet to the North margin of the
Liberty Road and outside of the present telephone poles (7) N. 75 W.
291 feet to the Eastern boundary of Flickinger's Addition and with it
and extended (8) S. 8 W. 1422.5 feet to a point in the field belonging to
Harvey E. Bonn, and from said point in Harvey E. Bohn's field and with
Southern boundary of lots laid out by George F. Smith and extended to
intersect a line with center of West alley of Woodsboro (9) N. 82 1/2 W.
542.5 feet and with said center of West alley (10) N. 7 1/2 E. 1733 feet
to center of the Lutheran Church alley, and with the center of said Church
alley (11) N. 82 W. 414 1/2 feet to center of The Northern Central Rail-
road Company's tracks and with said center to the beginning.