1929, ch. 124, sec. 3.
877. The citizens of Woodsboro of the age of twenty-one years and
over who shall have resided in said town for a period of ninety days next
preceding the election shall elect by ballot on the first Saturday of May,
in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, and
annually thereafter at such place as shall be designated by the Burgess
and Commissioners, a Burgess and three Commissioners, qualified in all
respects as voters and in addition thereto the Burgess and each Commis-
sioner shall be freeholders in Woodsboro, and said Burgess and Commis-
sioners shall hold office for the term of one year from the date of their
election and until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 4.
878. All elections shall be held and conducted as shall from time to
time be directed by the ordinances of the corporation not inconsistent with
the provisions of the subtitle of this Article.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 5.
879. In the event the Burgess or any one of the Commissioners shall
die, resign, remove from said town or from any other cause be disqualified,
the remaining Burgess and Commissioners shall elect by a majority vote,
a Burgess or Commissioners to fill the unexpired term.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 6.
880. The Burgess and each of the Commissioners before they shall
enter upon the duties of their office shall qualify by taking and subscrib-
ing to an oath to be administered by a Justice of the Peace or Notary
Public that they will faithfully and honestly and to the best of their abil-
ity discharge their duties of their offices.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 7.
881. The Burgess and Commissioners shall meet from time to time,
as often as occasion may require, upon the business of the town and not
less than once in every three months and the Burgess shall preside at all
meetings and shall sign all ordinances and resolutions presented by them.
A majority of the Commissioners shall constitute a quorum to do busi-
ness. All ordinances, resolutions and motions when passed by the Com-
missioners shall be subject to the approval of the Burgess and in the
event he shall veto the same then they shall not become operative unless
passed by the unanimous vote of all the Commissioners elected to office.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 8.
882. The Burgess and Commissioners are hereby authorized to levy
and collect either by distraint or suit at law, taxes on all real property
located within the corporate limits of Woodsboro, based on the assessed
value adopted by the County Commissioners of Frederick County for
State and County purposes, on real estate in Woodsboro as appears of