P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 456. 1918 Code, sec. 837.
867. When any person shall bring before a justice of the peace for
said county the head or heads of any wolf or wolves, and make oath that
the wolf or wolves of which he produces the head or heads, were
actually caught and killed within the limits of said county, within six
days next before the producing of the same to such justice, .such qustice
shall give to such person a certificate for such head or heads, produced as
aforesaid, and in such certificate mention the oath taken, and therein
distinguish how many of the heads are of old or young wolves; and the
justice shall judge of the age or ages of the wolf or wolves; and if he shall
believe the age of such wolf or wolves to exceed six months, he shall dis-
tinguish them in his certificate by the words "old wolf or wolves," but
if he shall believe the said wolf or wolves to be under the age of six
months, he shall distinguish the same in his certificate by the words "young
wolf or wolves"; and he shall cause the ears to be cut off, and the tongue
taken out of the head or heads of such wolves, to prevent such head or
heads from being a second time taken before a justice to obtain a certificate.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 457. 1918 Code, sec. 838.
868. The said certificate, produced to the County Commissioners, shall
entitle the party holding the same to receive from them, and have levied
for his use, the compensation for every head therein named.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 458. 1918 Code, sec. 839.
869. Every person who is an actual resident of said county shall be
entitled to an allowance from the county, not to exceed fifty cents, for
every fox killed or destroyed by him.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 459. 1918 Code, sec. 840.
870. The person killing any fox shall produce the head and tail of the
same before some justice of the peace for said county, and make oath that
the said fox was taken, wounded or killed within the limits of said county,
within six days then next preceding; and the said justice shall thereupon
give such person a certificate, wherein he shall set forth the said oath, and
shall, at the same time, cut off the ears and tail, and cut out the tongue
from such head, so as to prevent a second allowance therefor.
P. L. L., Art. 11, sec. 460. 1918 Code, sec. 841.
871. The County Commissioners shall levy the amount of such allow-
ance, upon the production of the certificate of the justice, for the use of
the person holding the same.
1900, ch. 575, sec. 460A. 1918 Code, sec. 842.
872. Every person who is an actual resident of said county shall be
entitled to an allowance from the county not to exceed one dollar for
every mink killed or destroyed by him, and an allowance from the county
not to exceed two dollars for every wild cat killed or destroyed by him.