1892 ARTICLE 7.
private property is made; or any owner so desiring may so pay one-
fourth of said charge, in which case the balance shall be paid in three
equal annual installments, such deferred payments to bear interest at the
rate of 6 per cent, and to be payable at the same time, in the same manner
and subject to the same penalties and methods of collection, as the front
foot benefit charges provided under Section 494. One-half of the revenue,
above actual cost, derived from such charges shall be retained by the
Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge as a contingent fund for
repairs, replacements, or any extraordinary expense in the maintenance
and operation of the sewerage system under their control. The remain-
ing half shall be applied by the Mayor and Common Council of Union
Bridge to the payment of the bonded debt, as hereinafter provided.
1920, ch. 158, sec. 10.
498. All sums collected by the Mayor and Common Council of Union
Bridge for benefits levied against property for sewerage and drainage con-
struction, and half of all sums collected by the Mayor and Common
Council of Union Bridge for sewer and drain connections as provided in
Section 497, shall be set aside as a separate fund to be known and desig-
nated as the "Current Interest and Sinking Fund," from which fund
interest shall be paid on all outstanding bonds, and the balance, if any,
transferred to the "Sewerage Sinking Fund Account," as provided under
Section 492. The Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge in order
to determine the amount necessary to be levied under Section 492, shall
deduct the amount to their credit in said "Current Interest and Sinking
Fund" from the whole amount necessary to be raised in any one year for
interest and sinking fund on outstanding bonds, and the balance remain-
ing to be raised shall be the amount to be collected by taxation as pro-
vided under Section 492.
1920, ch. 158, sec. 11.
499. For the purpose of providing funds for maintaining, repairing
and operating their sewerage and drainage system, including overhead
expenses and property depreciation allowance, said Mayor and Common
Council of Union Bridge shall be empowered and directed to make such
service rates as it may deem necessary chargeable against all properties
having a connection with any sewer under their ownership. Said rates
shall be uniform throughout the town of Union Bridge, but subject to
change from time to time as necessary.
1920, ch. 158, sec. 12.
500. The Mayor and Common Council of Union. Bridge may enter
upon any State, county or municipal street, road or .alley or any public
highway, for the purpose of installing, maintaining and operating the
sewerage and drainage system provided for under this Act, and it may
construct in any such street, road or alley or public highway, a sewer or
drain, or any appurtenance thereof without the receipt of a permit or the