drains, except rain leaders, with said sewer within a time prescribed by
said Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge. Where the aforesaid
fixtures do not exist, or are of a nature which, in the judgment of the
Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge, is improper or inadequate,
satisfactory equipment shall be installed. All cesspools, sink drains and
privies shall be abandoned and left in such a way that they cannot again
be used nor injuriously affect the public health, said disposition to be
determined by the Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge. Any
violation of the provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor punish-
able under Section 503 of this subtitle.
1920, ch. 158, sec. 8.
496. Before any sewer construction is done upon any private property,
within the corporate limits of the town of Union Bridge, the person, firm
or corporation doing the same shall first obtain a permit from said Mayor
and Common Council of Union Bridge and pay therefor such reasonable
sum as the Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge may prescribe.
Such work shall be done under and pursuant to such rules, regulations
and requirements the Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge may
from time to time formulate, and subject to such inspection as may be
deemed necessary. No connection of any kind shall be made with any
sewer, constructed or maintained by said Mayor and Common Council of
Union Bridge, without a permit and under such conditions as said Mayor
and Common Council of Union Bridge may authorize. Said Mayor and
Common Council of Union Bridge shall have the right of entry at reason-
able hours to all buildings and premises having any connection with the
sewerage system under its jurisdiction, and may order and require such
changes in all sewer connections as they may deem necessary to eliminate
improper use of sewers. No private or semi-public sewerage installation
intended for the use of two or more buildings or premises shall be con-
structed in said town of Union Bridge without the person, firm or corpo-
ration doing the work having first obtained a permit from said Mayor
and Common Council of Union Bridge and paid a reasonable charge
therefor, and such plant shall then be installed, maintained and operated
under such rules and regulations as said Mayor and Common Council of
Union Bridge may require or advise. Any violation of any of the pro-
visions of this section shall be a misdemeanor and punishable under Sec-
tion 503 of this subtitle.
1920, ch. 158, sec. 9.
497. For every sewer connection, as provided under Section 495, said
Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge shall make such charge as
it shall determine to be reasonable, which charge shall be uniform through-
out the town of Union Bridge, subject, however, to revision annually by
the Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge. Said charge shall be
paid by all property owners at the office of the Mayor and Common
Council of Union Bridge before the actual connection with any sewer on