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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1893   View pdf image (33K)
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payment of a charge; provided that whenever any State, county or mu-
nicipal highway is to be disturbed the public authority having control
thereof shall be duly notified, and provided further that said highway
shall be repaired and left by the Mayor and Common Council of Union
Bridge in the same, or a not inferior condition to that existing before being
torn up, and that all costs incident thereto shall be borne by the Mayor
and Common Council of Union Bridge.

1920, ch. 158, sec. 13.

501. Any employee or agent of the said Mayor and Common Council
of Union Bridge shall have the right of entry, at all reasonable hours,
upon any private premises and into any building in the town of Union
Bridge while in the pursuit of his official duties and any restraint or
hindrance offered to such entrance by any owner or tenant or agent of
said owner or tenant, shall be a misdemeanor punishable under Section
503 of this subtitle.

1920, ch. 158, sec. 14.

502. Any individual, firm or corporation, having building, conduits,
pipes, tracks or other physical constructions, in, over or under the public
roads, streets, or alleys of the town of Union Bridge, which shall block or
impede the progress of the Mayor and Common Council's sewerage or
drainage system while in the process of construction and establishment,
shall, upon reasonable notice from said Mayor and Common Council of
Union Bridge promptly so shift, adjust, accommodate or remove the same,
at their own cost and expense, as to fully meet the exigencies occasioning
the said notice, and should the exigencies of any case involve a taking, in
the constitutional sense, of the franchise or right in the exercise of which
such obstruction had its origin, the Mayor and Common Council of Union
Bridge shall be empowered to condemn an easement iu said franchise or
right. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be a misde-
meanor punishable under Section 503 of this subtitle.

1920, ch. 158, sec. 15.

503. Every act or omission designated as a misdemeanor in this Act,
unless otherwise provided, shall be punishable before any justice of the
peace, or the Circuit Court for Carroll County and shall be brought by
warrant or indictment upon the oath or information of any member of
said Mayor and Common Council of Union Bridge or any employee
thereof, and the offender shall upon conviction, be subject to a fine not
exceeding one hundred dollars or thirty days in the county jail, or both,
in the discretion of the court. Where such act or omission is of a con-
tinuous nature, and is persisted in, in violation of the provisions of this
Act, or any rule or regulation formulated thereunder, a conviction for
one offense shall not be a bar to a conviction for a continuation of such
offense subsequent to the first or any succeeding conviction.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 1893   View pdf image (33K)
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