1880 ARTICLE 7.
pose and levy the necessary taxes therefor not exceeding the provisions of
this sub-title of this Article.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 184.
467. The Mayor and Common Council are authorized to issue addi-
tional bonds not to exceed twenty-nine hundred dollars in amount, the
proceeds thereof to be applied to the payment of such fire-engine, hook-
and-ladder truck and appliances and apparatus that may have been or may
be purchased for the use of said town, as far as may be necessary therefor,
and the proceeds of the balance of said bonds to be applied to such uses of
said town as the said Mayor and Common Council may deem right, and
the said bonds shall bear interest not exceeding six per centum per annum,
payable annually, and shall be payable twenty years from date, or earlier,
at the pleasure of said Mayor and Common Council, and a tax shall be
levied on said property to pay the interest thereon, and create a sinking-
fund for the payment of said bonds at maturity; said bonds shall be
issued in sums not exceeding five hundred dollars each, with coupons at-
tached, and shall be under the corporate seal of said town and signed by
the Mayor, and countersigned by the clerk of said Mayor and Common
1900, ch. 206, sec. 185.
468. The Mayor and Common Council are authorized to levy on the
assessable property of the said town an additional tax not exceeding fifteen
cents on the one hundred dollars, for paying such charges and rents to the
Union Bridge Water Company for the use of water as the said Mayor and
Common Council may deem it right to contract for, or may have con-
tracted for.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 1S6.
469. All taxes levied by said Mayor and Common Council for the
general purposes of said town, or for the payment of interest, or for the
sinking fund provided for the redemption of the bonds and funded in-
debtedness of the town, now issued or hereafter to be issued, in pursuance
of any Act of the General Assembly of Maryland, and all water rents
charged against said town as per contract, shall be a lien upon the prop-
erty of the party or parties against whom said tax may be charged,
whether such person be a resident or non-resident of the town, whether
adults or infants, non compos, feme covert, or otherwise, and if such tax
cannot be made out of the personal property of such person, then the same
may be collected out of the rents of his, her or their real estate, by judg-
ment and attachment, or the treasurer may sell real estate for payment of
taxes due thereon by complying with the same requirements as county col-
lectors are required to comply with the Code of the General Laws of the
State of Maryland, in order to sell real estate for the payment of State