and county taxes. On all taxes remaining unpaid for sixty days after the1
same shall have been levied, the treasurer shall charge and collect interest
from the date of the levy at the rate of six per centum per annum, to be
accounted for with the tax.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 187.
470. The Mayor and Common Council are authorized to provide by
ordinance for the manner in which bonds hereafter to be issued shall be
sold, and in what manner the records of same shall be kept.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 187A.
471. The Mayor and Common Council shall also be empowered to
borrow a sum" of money not exceeding five hundred dollars, whenever the
treasury shall be so far depleted that the treasurer is unable to meet cur-
rent obligations; such sum of money, however, must not be borrowed for
a longer period than six months, and the obligation must be cancelled im-
mediately after a sufficient amount of taxes have been collected to do so;
such payment, however, must in nowise interfere with the satisfaction of
interest-payments on any bond that may have or hereafter be issued by
the town.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 188.
472. Said Mayor and Common Council may provide by ordinance for
the codification of all ordinances which have been or may hereafter be
passed by it, and for the printing of such codification thereof; and the
printed copy thereof issued by authority and under the sanction of said
body shall be legal evidence of the passage of said ordinance and the con-
tents thereof in any court of law or equity in this State.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 189.
473. The Mayor and Common Council shall have power to provide
for the laying out, opening, extending, widening, straightening, or relocat-
ing of any street or alley, or parts thereof within the city, which, in their
opinion, the public welfare or convenience may require to provide for as-
certaining whether any and what amount in value of damage will be
caused thereby, for which the owner or possessor of any property through
which said street or alley-way may pass ought to be compensated by the
appointment of commissioners to assess the same; to provide for assessing
and levying, either generally on the whole, assessable property within the
city, or especially on the property of persons benefited, the whole or any
part of the damages and expenses which will be incurred in laying out,
opening, extending, widening, straightening or relocating such street or
alley, or parts thereof, and grading the same; to provide for collecting
and paying the compensation awarded to any person before any such
street or alley, or part thereof, shall be laid out or opened, extended,