Bridge shall pay a license fee of not less than five dollars nor more than
twenty-five dollars per annum; to levy and collect a tax on the assessable
property of said city for the general purposes of said corporation, not
exceeding in any one year fifty cents on each one hundred dollars' worth of
said assessable property. To levy and collect such a tax on the assessable
property of said city as may be necessary to pay the interest on the city
bonds, and to provide a sinking fund for the redemption thereof at matur-
ity. To enforce their ordinances by fines and penalties and imprisonment
in the city station-house or such other building as may by ordinance be
provided for, and may provide for a chain gang and the working out of
fines and penalties on the streets and highways of the city.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 182.
464. The said Town Council shall from time to time cause an assess-
ment to be made of all the property, real, personal or otherwise, and securi-
ties liable to State and county taxes, by two assessors appointed by them,
and levy thereon a tax not exceeding in any one year fifty cents (50 cents)
on every one hundred dollars' worth of assessable property for general pur-
poses. They shall also, in the month of October of each year, appoint two
assessors to assess any property in said town liable to taxation, and which
has been omitted from the assessment books of said town, and all property
brought into said town from time to time and becoming liable to taxation.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 182A.
465. Any person may appeal from the valuation made by said asses-
sors, or from any assessment now in force, to said Town Council, and said
Town Council shall arrange by ordinance for the hearing of such appeals
and fix a time therefor, and may hear the same by a committee of them-
selves or otherwise, and shall give notice of the time and place fixed for
hearing such appeals and making transfers and abatements by posters dis-
played at least ten days in advance of such sitting in not less than five
of the most public places in the town, and upon such appeal said Town
Council or its committee may examine the party appealing under oath, and
shall reassess the property of such appellant as they may deem just, but
no appeal shall be heard except during the time so fixed by such ordinance.
1900, ch. 206, sec. 183.
466. The Mayor and Common Council shall have full power and au-
thority, and are required to levy all necessary taxes upon the property
within the taxable limits of the corporation, for the payment of the inter-
est on the bonds authorized to be issued, under the Act of eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-four, Chapter twenty-nine, as well as for the payment of
the said bonds at maturity, and shall create a sinking fund for that pur-