for each county, who shall be a land holder and a resident of the respective
election district in each county in which said bridge may be located. The
said two persons so chosen shall elect a third person as president, who shall
be a resident and a land holder of one of the election districts in which
said bridge may be located, and the said persons so chosen, shall act as a
board to superintend and manage the affairs of said bridge, under such
rules and regulations as the said board so constituted may prescribe, and
which shall have full and ample power for the superintendence and man-
agement of said bridge, but who shall serve without any compensation for
their services.
1896, ch. 213, sec. 4.
62. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties are
hereby authorized and empowered to levy on the assessable property of
Caroline and Talbot Counties, such sum of money as may be necessary to
carry out and secure the provisions of this Act, the expenses thereof to be
paid and borne one-half by Caroline County, and the remaining one-half
by Talbot County, to be levied at their regular annual levy.
1896, ch. 213, sec. 5.
63. The cost of maintaining the said bridge, and keeping it in safe
repair and condition for public travel, shall be paid in the same ratio as
in the preceding section, viz., one-half by Caroline County and by Talbot
County; and the County Commissioners of the aforesaid counties are
hereby authorized and empowered to levy upon the assessable property of
their respective counties such sum of money as may be necessary from
time to time to defray said cost in the proportion aforesaid.
1896, ch. 213, sec. 6.
64. None of the provisions of this act shall become operative until the
same shall have received the sanction of the Boards of the County Com-
missioners of the counties aforesaid.
1890, ch. 298, sec. 1.
65. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties are
hereby authorized and directed to build a substantial bridge over said
river or creek, from some suitable point on the Caroline County shore, at
or near Horsey's landing, to a convenient and practicable point on the Tal-
bot County shore, the position to be determined by the County Commis-
sioners of the two counties, the object being to so locate the bridge as to
connect in the most direct and practicable manner the public road leading
from Denton to Harris' chapel, in Caroline County, with the public road
leading from Matthews to Todd's landing, in Talbot County, and the said
County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties are hereby author-
ized and empowered to acquire by inquisition, purchase or otherwise, all