1544 ARTICLE 6.
the lands and materials necessary for the construction of the said bridge
and its abutments, for the convenience of public travel, and said bridge
when built, shall be maintained and kept in proper repair by the said
counties as a free bridge; provided, however, that the entire cost to the
said counties of Caroline and Talbot of the said bridge and abutments,
together with the cost of the necessary lands leading to and from the same,
to the fast land on either side, shall not exceed in the aggregate the sum
of four thousand dollars.
1890, ch. 298, sec. 2.
66. The said bridge and abutments shall be built in the most secure
and substantial manner, and shall not be less than eighteen feet wide, with
railing on each side thereof, not less than four feet high, and there shall be
a draw in said bridge of at least forty feet in width, so as to afford a con-
venient passage to boats up and down said river or creek, which shall at
all times be opened on the approach of vessels, so as not to delay or inter-
rupt their passage.
1890, ch. 298, sec. 3. :L900, ch. 190, sec. 3.
67. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties, a
majority of each board concurring,, shall have full power and authority
to maintain and keep in safe repair a draw-bridge over the Tuckahoe
River, between Caroline and Talbot Counties, at the place known as Tuck-
ahoe Bridge, and said County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot
Counties, a majority of each board concurring, shall have full power and
authority to make reasonable rules and regulations for the use of said
bridge, known as Tuckahoe Bridge by the public, and for the protection
of said bridge and other property belonging thereto and therewith and to
enforce the observance of said rules and regulations by enforcing upon
any person or persons violating the same any reasonable fine, not exceed-
ing ten dollars, for any violation thereof, which fine shall be collected as
small debts are now collected, and shall be recovered in the name of the
County Commissioners of said counties, before any justice of the peace
of either of the said counties in which the person or persons violating said
rules and regulations shall be found; and on failure or refusal to pay and
inability to collect the same by legal process the person or persons so fined
shall be committed to the county jail of the county for a period not exceed-
ing ten days in the same manner as commitments are made for fines im-
posed by the Circuit Courts of this State on conviction for misdemeanors,
and the justice of the peace shall make this a part of his judgment, and
said fines shall be applied to the keeping of said bridge in repairs.
1890, ch. 298, sec. 4. 1922, ch. 463, sec. 4.
68. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties are
hereby authorized and directed to levy on the assessable property of Caro-
line and Talbot Counties, such sums of money as may be necessary to
carry out and secure the provisions of this Act, the expenses thereof to be