1542 ARTICLE 6.
1912, ch. 579, sec. 3.
56. The County Commissioners of Caroline County are hereby author-
ized and directed to levy on the assessable property of Caroline County
such sums of money as may be necessary to carry out and secure the pro-
visions of this Act.
1912, ch. 579, sec. 4.
57. There shall be appointed annually by the County Commissioners.
of Caroline County some competent person to act as bridge keeper, whose
duty shall be to attend to the opening and closing of the draw of said
bridge when so required, and also to attend to such other duties in regard
to keeping said bridge in safe and proper condition for public travel; and
the said bridgekeeper shall receive for his services such compensation as
the said County Commissioners of Caroline County shall deem just and
proper, to be provided for in their annual levy.
1912, ch. 579, sec. 5.
58. The said County Commissioners of Caroline County shall open
and construct a suitable county road cm each side of said bridge to inter-
sect roads hereinbefore mentioned, to be paid for as other county roads are
opened and paid for under the road law of Caroline County.
1896, ch. 213, sec. 1.
59. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties are
hereby empowered in their discretion to build a substantial bridge over
said river, from some suitable point on the Caroline shore, at or near Gil-
pin's Point, to a convenient and practicable point on the Talbot County
shore; the position to be determined by the County Commissioners of the
two counties, and the said County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot
Counties are hereby authorized and empowered to acquire by inquisition,
purchase or otherwise, all the lands a.nd material necessary for the con-
struction of the said bridge and its abutments; and the said bridge when
built, shall be maintained and kept in proper repair by said counties as a
free bridge for the convenience of public travel.
This bridge is over Great Choptank River.
1896, ch. 213, sec. 2.
60. The said bridge and abutments shall be built in the most secure
and substantial manner and shall not be less than twenty feet wide, with
railing on each side thereof, not less than four feet high, and there shall
be a draw in said bridge of at least sixty feet in width, so as to afford a
convenient passage for boats up and down the river.
1896, ch. 213, sec. 3.
61. The County Commissioners of Caroline and Talbot Counties shall
annually, at their first meeting in May in each year, appoint one person