est from September 1st, 1919, until paid. Upon making the payments as
provided by this Act, the said Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall
be relieved of the obligation to pay to the Treasurer of Anne Arundel
County the fair value of the existing bridge over Curtis Creek, as pro-
vided in said Section 9 of said Act, entitled "An Act to extend the Limits
of Baltimore City by including therein parts of Baltimore County and
Anne Arundel County." But the said Mayor and City Council of Bal-
timore shall forever maintain and keep in good repair the said bridge over
Curtis Creek, and also the bridge over Cabin Creek, and permit the free
use of the same to all the inhabitants of Anne Arundel County without
any charge or discrimination whatsoever.
1918, ch. 283, sec. 2.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That each of the deferred payments
which are provided to be paid to the Treasurer of Baltimore County, and
each of the deferred payments other than said payment of the value of said
Curtis Creek bridge, which are provided to be paid to the Treasurer of
Anne Arundel County by Section 9 of the Act of the General Assembly
of Maryland of 1918, entitled "An Act to extend the Limits of Baltimore
City by including therein parts of Baltimore County and Anne Arundel
County," shall bear interest from September 1st, 1919, until paid.
1918, ch. 283, sec. 3.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect on
the day after the day on which said Act to extend the limits of Baltimore
City, by including therein parts of Baltimore County and Anne Arundel
County, takes effect.
Approved April 10th, 1918.
1918, ch. 490.
AN ACT to empower the County Commissioners of Anne Arundel Coun-
ty, and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to authorize a Street
Railway Company to construct and maintain a bridge for its use over
Curtis Creek, and to authorize the County Commissioners of Anne
Arundel County, and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to re-
build the bridge now constructed over Curtis Creek with sufficient
strength to carry street railway cars, or to relocate said bridge on Curtis
Creek and to build it for such use.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
upon the application by petition of a street railway company, the County
Commissioners of Anne Arundel County are hereby authorized to grant to
said railway company, on such terms as said County Commissioners of
Anne Arundel County may impose, the right and power to construct and
maintain a bridge over Curtis Creek at any point agreed upon for the use
of said railway company; provided, however, that if at the date of the
filing of said petition an act has been passed by the General Assembly of