1360 ARTICLE 4.
Baltimore City, to any company or corporation which is not otherwise
entitled to do so. The word "Company" or "Corporation" in this sec-
tion shall be construed to include any person or persons, firm or asso-
1918, ch. 82, sec. 18.
Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That all suits, indictments or other
proceedings affecting any person or property, resident or situate, or relat-
ing to any crime or offense committed in any portion of the territory an-
nexed by this Act to Baltimore City, which may have been instituted and
may be pending at the time of the passage of this Act, shall be proceeded
with in the same manner as if this Act had not been passed. Any and
every person holding any State or County office in Baltimore County or
Anne Arundel County and who may be a resident within the territory
annexed by this Act to Baltimore City at the time of the passage of this
Act, shall continue to hold such office until the termination of his then
pending term as if this Act had not been passed.
Potee v. Co. Commrs., 138 Md. 385.
Approved March 29, 1918.
1918, ch. 283.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in lieu of the payment of the fair value of the existing bridge over Curtis
Creek, which is provided to be made by the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore to the Treasurer of Anne Arundel County by Section 9 of the
Act of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1918, entitled "An Act to
extend the Limits of Baltimore City by including therein parts of Balti-
more County, and Anne Arundel County," the said Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore shall pay to the Treasurer of Anne Arundel County a
sum equal to the same proportion of the net bonded indebtedness of Anne
Arundel County on January 1st, 1918, as the net taxable basis on January
1st, 1918, of that part of Anne Arundel County included in the Act
of 1918, entitled "An act to extend the Limits of Baltimore City by
including therein parts of Baltimore County and Anne Arundel County,"
bears to the net taxable basis on January 1st, 1918, of the entire county.
Net bonded indebtedness, as herein used, means the entire amount of
bonds of Anne Arundel County outstanding January 1st, 1918, less the
amount on January 1st, 1918, to the credit of the sinking funds pro-
vided to redeem such bonds. Net taxable basis, as herein used, means
the total assessment of property of all kinds for purposes of taxation on
January 1st, 1918, less the total amount of all assessments, or portions
of assessments, actually exempted, or by law entitled to be exempted, from
the regular county taxes on January 1st, 1918. The said sum so ascer-
tained shall be paid in ten annual installments of one-tenth of said amount
each, the first to be paid on or before September 1st, 1919. and each suc-
ceeding installment to be paid on or before the same date each year there-
after until the whole is paid, each of said deferred payments to bear inter-