ined who shall not have been registered as aforesaid as a law student
before beginning said period of study; but any candidate who shall
have pursued the study of law in a school outside the State of Mary-
land for the requisite period may take the Bar examination without
registration; provided he shall satisfy the said Board of Law Exam-
iners that before beginning the study of law he had completed the
course of a university, college, high school or other school approved
by the Board of Law Examiners, or was admitted to a college or law
school, the requirements for entrance to which shall be approved by
the Board of Law Examiners.
The said Board shall report their proceedings in the examination of
applicants to the Court of Appeals, with any recommendations said
Board shall desire to make. If the Court of Appeals shall then find
the applicant to be qualified to discharge the duties of an attorney,
and to be of good moral character and worthy to be admitted, they
shall pass an order admitting him to practice in all the Courts of the
The Court of Appeals shall prescribe rules for a uniform system of
examinations in this State, both for registration as aforesaid and for
admission to the Bar; and for the fees to be paid by the applicant upon
taking the examinations aforesaid; and for the compensation of the
memlers of the Board, who shall be paid out of said fees; and gen-
erally such other rules as may be necessary or convenient to carry out
the provisions of this section.
The Board of Examiners shall render an annual account of their
expenses to the Court of Appeals.
Any fraudulent act or representation by any applicant in connec-
tion with his application, registration or examination shall be sufficient
cause for the revocation of the order admitting him to practice.
The provisions of this section as to registration and general prelim-
inary education shall not apply to those students who shall have matric-
ulated at the Law Department of the University of Maryland, or shall
have begun the study of law in the office of a member of the Bar of
this State before the first day of January, 1918; nor shall the provi-
sions of this section relative to the three-year period of legal study
affect any law student who shall have matriculated in any reputable
law school before April 18, 1916.
1904, art. 10, sec. 3. 1892, ch. 37. 1898, ch. 139. 1902, ch. 399.
1916, ch. 509. 1918, ch. 270.
3.* All applicants for. admission to the bar shall be referred by the
Court of Appeals to the State Board of Law Examiners, who shall
*Both the act of 1918, chapter 426, and the act of 1918, chapter 270. repealed
and re-enacted article 10, section 3. Although the former was approved on
April 18, 1918, and the latter on April 10, 1918, in view of the decision of the
Court of Appeals of Maryland in Baltimore v. German-American Fire Insurance
Company (filed April 2, 1918), both acts are codified.