Admission to the Bar.
3. Qualifications of law student; ex-
amination; board of law exam-
iners; proviso. (Two sections
bearing the same number.)
29. Repealed.
30. Repealed.
Admission to the Bar.'
1904, art. 10, sec. 3. 1892, ch. 37. 1898, ch. 139. 1902, ch. 399. 1916, ch. 509,
sec. 3. 1918, ch. 426, sec. 3.
3.* Any person in this State desiring to begin the study of law for
the purpose of admission to the Bar shall first file with the Clerk of
the Court of Appeals an application for registration as a law student,
and at the same time shall file therewith a certificate showing that he
has completed a course of study at some university, college, high school
or other school substantially equivalent to a high school education in
Maryland; said university, college, high or other school to be approved
by the State Board of Law Examiners; and if he has not completed
such course of study, he shall submit to an examination, to be held
under the supervision of the State Board of Law Examiners, in such
subjects as may be prescribed by the rules of the Court of Appeals, in
order to show that his education is substantially equivalent to a high
school education in Maryland; if the said Board shall approve such
certificate of graduation, or the applicant shall pass such an examina-
tion, he shall then be entitled to registration as a law student.
Nunc pro tune registration may be permitted if the candidate had
the requisite education at the date as of which he desires to be regis-
tered and there has been no laches on his part, said matters to be deter-
mined by the State Board of Law Examiners.
A candidate removing from a jurisdiction having similar standards
for registration may have the registration transferred. All applica-
tions for admission to the Bar shall be referred by the Court of Ap-
peals to the State Board of Law Examiners, who shall examine the
applicant touching his or her qualifications for admission to the Bar.
No one shall be examined who shall not have studied law in a law
school in some part of the United States, or in the office of a member
of the Bar of this State for at least three years; no one shall be exam-
*Both the act of 1918, chapter 426, and the act of 1918, chapter 270, repealed
and re-enacted article 10, section 3. Although the former was approved on
April 18, 1918, and the latter on April 10, 1918, in view of the decision of the
Court of Appeals of Maryland in Baltimore v German-American Fire Insurance
Company (filed April 2. 1918), both acts are codified.