examine the applicant touching his or her qualifications for admission
to the bar. The said board shall report their proceedings in the exam-
ination of applicants to the Court of Appeals, with any recommenda-
tions said board may desire to make. If the Court of Appeals shall
then find the applicant to be qualified to discharge the duties of an
attorney, and to be of good moral character and worthy to be admitted,
they shall pass an order admitting him or her to practice in all the
courts of this State. The Court of Appeals shall prescribe rules pro-
viding for a uniform system of examinations in this State, which shall
govern the Board of Law Examiners in the performance of their duties.
The expenses of said board, including such compensation to the mem-
bers thereof as the Court of Appeals may determine, shall be paid out
of the fees of the applicants. No one shall be examined who shall not
have studied the law in a law school in any part of the United States
or in the office of a member of the bar of this State for at least three
years; provided, that those who are subject to draft or who may become
subject to draft in the military service of the United States before the
next regular State bar examination or who have volunteered for the
military or naval service of the United States, or' any student now
enrolled at any recognized law school in the State of Maryland, may be
examined after having studied law in a law school for at least two
scholastic years or in the office of a member of the bar of this State for
at least two calendar years, the above provisions in relation to two years
shall apply only during the period for which the United States shall be
at war with the Government of Germany. Every applicant, upon pre-
senting himself or herself for examination before the Board of Law
Examiners, shall pay to the treasurer of the board such fee, not exceed-
ing twenty-five dollars, as may be fixed by the Court of Appeals. On
payment of one examination fee the applicant shall be entitled to the
privilege of three examinations, but no more. Any fraudulent act or
representation by an applicant in connection with his or her application
or examination shall be sufficient cause for the revocation of the order
admitting him or her to practice. The Board of Law Examiners shall
render an annual account of their expenses to the Court of Appeals.
The provisions of this and the preceding section shall not apply to those
students who shall have matriculated at the law department of the Uni-
versity of Maryland, or the Baltimore University School of Law prior
to the first day of January, 1898, but such students shall be admitted
upon the production of their diplomas of graduation as heretofore; and
provided further, that nothing contained in this section shall affect any
law student who has matriculated in any reputable law school before
April 10, 1918.
See notes to this section in volume 1 of the Annotated Code.