recount shall be final and conclusive upon all persons whomso-
ever, provided, however, that the Mayor and Common Council
shall not be required to recount said ballots more than once.
The said Mayor and Common Council are hereby authorized
and empowered to make such additional regulations for the
conduct of said election as they may deem necessary and proper.
If a majority of the ballots in said special election shall be
cast in favor of this act, then this act shall be deemed and
held to have been approved by the voters of said town and
shall stand, be and remain in full force and effect. If on the
contrary a majority of the ballots in said special election shall
be cast against this act then this act shall, be deemed and
held to have been disapproved by the voters of said town and
shall be null and void and of no effect.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 23, 1912.
AN ACT to authorize the Building Commission appointed under
Senate Bill No. 4, Chapter 75, Session of 1908, composed
of the Board of Public Works and Wm. B. Claggett, J. S.
Rawlings, Adreon Posey, John H. Drury and Henry B.
Vocke, to build a new State Tobacco Warehouse and to. make
all needed repairs to the old building on the north side of
Conway street; to place concrete pavements on Conway,
Penn and Charles streets in Baltimore City, and to install
three electric power elevators in the old tobacco warehouse
on the north side of Conway street, and appropriating a sum
not exceeding $12,500.00 from the State Tobacco Ware-
house Fund for these purposes.
WHEREAS, The said Building Commission, with Geo. H. Buch-
heister, appointed to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation
of Henry B. Vocke, have builded a new fireproof, six-story
building and made many repairs to the said old building, and
in so doing have exhausted the fund placed under their con-
trol, and in order to complete further needed repairs and
improvements, it is advisable to place concrete pavement on
north side of Conway street, from Light to Charles street,
thence to Perry street, on Charles street, and to replace the