antiquated and expensive elevators with new electric power
elevators, three in number.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the aforesaid State Tobacco Warehouse Build-
ing Commission be authorized and empowered to place a con-
crete pavement on the north side of Conway street, from Light
to Charles street, thence on east side of Charles street to Perry
street, and to erect and install three modern electric power
elevators in the old building, north side of Conway street.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Comptroller is
hereby authorized and directed to issue his warrant upon the
Treasurer for such amount or amounts as the said commission
upon their requisition or requisitions may require, not, how-
ever, exceeding the sum of twelve thousand and five hundred
dollars ($12,500.00), said amount or amounts to be charged
against any balance now in the Treasury to the credit of the
State Tobacco Warehouse Fund.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved Febuary 29th, 1912.
AN ACT to provide for the appointment of a police officer by the
County Commissioners of Anne Arundel county to patrol
certain roads of The Fourth Election District of Anne
Arundel county, and to provide for the payment of said
police officer.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Anne Arundel county
are hereby authorized and directed to annually on the first day
of May, in each and every year, appoint some resident of the
said fourth election district to serve as police officer in said
district and especially to patrol and preserve the peace upon the
public road leading from Clarks Station, on the Washington,
Baltimore and Annapolis Electric Railway, to Stewart's corner,
on the old telegraph road, and from thence over the public road
to the fifth district line and from the fifth district line to
Academy Junction by way of Oklahoma.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said police officer shall
receive a monthly salary of forty-five dollars per month from
the first day of May to the first day of December, in each year,
but shall not receive pay for the other months of the year.