Nourse, Charles Williams, Orlando Haniman, John
CHAP. 326
C. Baldwin and F. L. Wilsey, or a majority of them,
at such times and places as they shall designate, giv-
ing at least ten days' previous notice, in one or more
newspapers, printed in the town of Cumberland, in the
city of Washington, and such other places as they or a
majority of them shall deem necessary, and each sub-
scriber shall pay at the time of subscription, to the
commissioners receiving the same, the sum of twenty
$20 on each share
dollars on each share, by him, her or them subscribed,
and every person who shall so subscribe for, or become
the owner of one or more shares of said stock, shall in
virtue of such ownership, be a member of the said cor-
poration, and shall be entitled at "all meetings of the
stockholders, to one vote, in person or by proxy, for
each share of the capital stock which shall be held by
such person, and the shares of the said capital stock shall
be assignable or transferable, and shall be considered
as personal property.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the lands and mines
Lands and mines a
of the said J. L. Skinner, John R. Nourse, Charles
part of capital
Williams, Orlando Haniman, John C. Baldwin and
F. L. Wilsey, shall constitute a part of said capital
stock, at such prices as may be agreed upon between
them on the one part, and such persons as may be here-
after associated with them, and constitute the aforesaid
corporation by subscribing for stock payable in mo-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That the capital stock of
Capital stock
said company shall consist of ten thousand shares, of
one hundred dollars each, and no more, unless the
company shall purchase and hold other coal and iron
lands contiguous, in order to add to and to increase
Power of increase
the interest of said company in the premises, in which
case the company may enlarge the amount of tiicir
stock, five thousand shares for every thousand acres so
added to the lands they now hold, and no further ad-
dition shall be made to the amount of this stock on
account of any further purchases they may make.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That any company here-
To pass over lands
after formed shall have the privilege of passing over
the lands of said Allegany Mining company, so as to