connect any lateral rail road, with the rail road or
CHAP. 326.
roads, of said Allegany Mining company, by paying
to said company such sum or sums as may be agreed
upon, by three disinterested persons appointed by the
commissioners of the tax of Allegany county to value
said damage or damages.
Five directors
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the management
of the companies' business shall be vested in five direc-
tors who shall be stockholders, and citizens of the
United States, any three of whom, the president be-
ing one, shall be a quorum for business, or in case of
his absence or inability, such other director in his
place as the board shall direct; these directors shall be
chosen at a legal annual meeting of the company hol-
Power to appoint
den for this and other purposes; and they shall have
the power to appoint their president who shall be one
of their own number, holding his office during their
Rules and regular
pleasure, and the board shall have the power to estab-
lish all such rules and regulations, from time to time,
as they may find necessary in the course of their busi-
First meeting
ness, the first meeting of the company shall be holden
at Washington city in the District of Columbia, on or
befor the first day of July, eighteen hundred and thir-
ty six, due notice of the time and place of which meet-
ing shall he given by J. L. Skinner, first named in this
charter or any two other members, personally in wri-
ting to each member of the company; a quorum of the
company for this meeting shall be a majority in
amount of stock of all the stockholders, and this shall
be a quorum in all future meetings of the company
thereafter; at this first meeting, the directors shall be
Other officers
chosen, and also a secretary and treasurer of the com-
pany, and such other standing officers as the company
may appoint, who shall hold their offices for one year,
and until others shall be appointed in their stead, and
these officers shall be annually chosen in all future
time at an annual meeting of the company at such
time and place as the company shall direct, notice of
Notice of meeting
which annual meeting, and of. all other meetings of
the company, and of the adjournments thereof, shall
be given in the manner the company shall direct; in
all meetings of the company the votes may be given in