CHAP. 326
chase and hold any such lands as may be necessary
Purchase and hold
for their coal deposites, and in order to connect their
business in a suitable manner with the basin and its
boating, and for the purpose of laying out, constructing
and repairing said rail road, the company shall have
the right of passing over the lands lying on the tract
Power to condemn lands
of said road, and of condemning the same if necessary
according to the laws of the State of Maryland, in
such case provided in the charter of the Baltimore and
Ohio Rail Road Company, to an extent not exceeding
four rods in width throughout: provided, that any per-
son or persons have the privilege of connecting a later-
al road with the main rail road of the company, sub-
ject to the reasonable regulations of the company, and
the payment of such toll as they may impose, not ex-
ceeding one cent per ton per mile, on all goods and
merchandize or other property, and not exceeding two
cents per mile for every passenger transported there-
on, and that said company be, and they are hereby re-
quired to transport on the said road, all the coal or
property of every description, which may be brought
to said rail road for transportation, under the restric-
tions above recited, and provided that this grant of a
rail road to the company, shall be no bar to any other
rail road, which may he located along said valley, and
to cross said rail road at such points as may he neces-
sary, which the Legislature may think proper to au-
thorise for any other company or individual who may
apply for the same, And provided also, That in pausing
through the gorge of Will's mountain, this compa-
ny's rail road shall be so located and regulated, as not
Rights or other
to interfere with the rights of the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal Company, or with the rights of the Balti-
more and Ohio Rail Road Company, or any others who
may occupy this common gap, under the provisions of
existing laws of this State, or laws hereafter to be
Reservation of
passed to regulate all works passing through said
power to regisla-ture
gorge for the common good, which right of regulation
is hereby reserved to any future Legislature.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the subscriptions to
the capital stock of said company, shall be raised un-
der the direction of the said J. L. Skinner, John R,