peake and Ohio Canal, and of the Baltimore and Ohio
Rail Road, in both of which this State is connected,
CHAP. 326.
will be greatly promoted by the opening and working
of said mines and bringing their products to market:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said John L. Skinner and his as-
sociates, John R. Noursc, Charles Williams, Orlando
Harriman, John C. Baldwin and F. L. Wilsey, and
those who may be hereafter connected with them in the
operation of the mines aforesaid, shall be and they are
hereby constituted and made a body corporate and
politic, viz: a corporation by the name and style of the
Allegany Mining Company, and as such shall and may
have perpetual succession; may have a common seal
at their pleasure; may sue and be sued, do and suffer
all acts, exercise all the powers and rights, and be sub-
ject to all the incidents belonging to such corporations
for the purposes and under the limitations hereinafter
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the company shall
Right to lands
have the right to hold lands lying contiguous and to-
gether, at and near Frostburg, for the purposes afore-
said, to any amount not exceeding four thousand acres,
except such lands as they may acquire in the course of
securing and collecting the debts of the company; and
the company shall have the right of erecting on their
said mining lands, any buildings, shops, mills, facto-
ries, furnaces, forges, or other establishments neces-
sary for the working of their said coal and iron mines,
and for the preparing and bringing the products of
the same to market.
SBC 3. And be it enacted, That the company shall
Construct a Rail
have the right and power to lay out and construct and
keep in perpetual repair a rail road with its appenda-
ges, for the use and operations of said mines, and for
bringing their products to market, viz : to extend from
said mines at or near Frostburg, down Jennings val-
ley, and that of Will's Creek to the basin of the Chesa-
peake and Ohio Canal at Cumberland, at or near
which basin, the company shall have a right to pur-