CHAP. 326
any pamphlet, newspaper, hand-bill or other paper,
printed or written, of any inflammatory character, hay-
ing a tendency to create discontent among, and stir up
to insurrection, the people of color of this State, and
that every person that shall be duly convicted of this
offence, shall be guilty of a felony, and shall be sen-
Penalty from 10 to 20 years confinue-
tenced to undergo a confinement in the penitentiary of
this State, for a period of time, not less than ten, nor
more than twenty years from the time of sentence pro-
nounced on such offender.
Unlawful to make
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That hereafter, it shall
any suck
not be lawful for any citizen of this State, knowingly
to make, print or engrave, or aid in the making, prin-
ting or engraving, within this State, any pictorial
representation, or to write or print, or to aid in the
writing or printing any pamphlet, newspaper, hand-
bill or other paper of an inflammatory character, and
having a tendency to excite discontent, or stir up in-
surrection amongst the people of color of this State,
or of either of the other States or Territories of the
United States, or knowingly to carry or send, or to
aid in the carrying or sending the same for circulation
amongst the inhabitants of either of the other States
or Territories of the United States, and any person so
offending shall be guilty of a felony, and shall on con-
Penalty from 10 to
viction be sentenced to confinement in the Penitentiary
20 years confine, ment
of this State, for a period not less than ten nor more
than twenty years, from the time of sentence pro-
nounced on such person.
Passed April 1,1836
An act to Incorporate the Allegany Mining Company
WHEREAS, it is represented to this Assembly that J.
L. Skinner and his associates, have purchased several
farms or tracts of land lying together about the head of
Jenning's run, near Frostburg, in Allegany county,
containing extensive and valuable beds or mines of
coal and iron ore, and that the interests of the State of
Maryland, and of the trade and business of the Chesa-