quest of the holder of the said funded debt to the trus-
tees after ten days notice in the city of Philadelphia,
CHAP. 286.
and on the transfer of any debt, a new certificate shall
he issued to the person entitled, and the old certificate
shall be surrendered to the' company, and every trans-
fer shall be made on the books of said company, either
in person or by attorney appointed in writing in pres-
ence of two witnesses, on the face of every certificate,
for any part of the debt due to said John Ramlel Jun-
ior, or his assigns, it shall be stated how much of the
collateral indemnity in the hands of the trustees, the
holder is entitled to for the security of his or their share
of the debt.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That a mortgage shall
be made and executed by the said President and Direc-
tors to Trustees for the security of all such of the
said creditors as shall take out certificates of debt un-
der this act, and that upon issuing such certificates
the old certificates shall be surrendered to the, compa-
ny; Provided, that nothing in this act contained shall
be construed to legalise, sanction, or confirm any loan
made to or sum borrowed by said company, before the
creditor or claimant thereof shall have received a cer-
tificate in pursuance of this act.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That at any time after the
passage of this act, it shall be lawful for the said Pre-
sident and Directors to convene the stockholders of
said canal company on ten days notice, published in
two daily newspapers in each of the cities of Philadel-
phia and Baltimore, and the meeting so assembled,
if there be persons holding five hundred shares of stock
present or represented, shall have power to take into
consideration and decide upon the acceptance of this
act as a part of their charter, and then and there to
decide all questions which could bo decided at their
annual general meeting, and if by the vote of the said
stockholders either then or at any future general meet-
ing it shall be so ordered and directed, the creditors of
said company shall in all future elections of officers
and upon all other questions, vote with the said stock-
holders in proportion to their several and respective