interests, upon such terms and conditions as the said
CHAP. 287.
stockholders shall prescribe and direct.
Void unless ac-
SEC. 6. And be if enacted, That this act and every
part thereof shall be null and void, unless accepted and
approved of at the meeting of the stockholders of said
company, which is to be convened under the provisions
of the preceding section, and such acceptance and ap-
proval is communicated by the President of said com-
pany, under the seal of the company, to the Governor
and Council of the State of Maryland, and public
notice thereof shall also be given by said company in
some newspaper in the cities of Baltimore and Phila-
Renunciation of tolls to be ap-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
shall be of any avail unless John Randel, junior, of
Delaware, shall on or before the first of December
next, file with the Treasurer of the Western Shore a
renunciation of his right to attach the tolls of the
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, on account
of judgment rendered in his favor or which may here-
after be rendered in his favor against said company,
which said renunciation shall be approved by the At-
torney General of the State, and shall be a condition
precedent to the enjoyment of the privilege conferred
by this act.
Passed Mar, 28,1836
An act to Incorporate the Western Bank of Baltimore.
Condition of incorporation
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That if the president and directors of the
Mechanics' Saving Fund Society of Baltimore, shall
on or before the first Monday of July next, pass and
file with the Governor and Council of Maryland, a
resolution authorised at a general meeting of its
stockholders, and under the common seal of said soci-
ety, declaring its acceptance of this act, and shall al-
so file with said resolution, a statement of its affairs,
shewing that it had fulfilled all of its obligations, and
is free from debt: the estate of the said society shall