CHAP. 286.
for such sum as the said company and the said Randel
have agreed upon or shall agree upon, to stand in the
hands of said trustees as a collaterial security or in-
demity for said debt, in addition to the certificate or
certificates of debt to be issued to said Randel or his
assignees, and the stock so created by way of collater-
al security for the purpose of indemnifying the said
Mode of disposing
John Randel, Junior, or his assignees, shall be good
and available in law in the hands of the said trustees
and shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent per
annum, payable semi-annually, and the amount of the
certificate therefor, shall be entitled to an equal pro-
portion of the whole nett profits of the tolls of said
company, with all certificates of debt, and the holders
of said certificate or certificates of debt, in the hands of
said John Randel Junior, or his assigns, shall in like
manner be entitled to an equal proportion of the whole
nett profits of the tolls of said company, with all other
the said creditors, and the full share or proportion of
tolls to which the said John Randall, Junior, or his as-
signs shall be semi-annually entitled, shall be ascer-
tained by adding the amount of the whole funded debt
of said John Randel, Junior, being the amount due to
him on his judgment, to the amount of said additional
certificate of debt, given him by way of security as
aforesaid, and stating the proportion, as the actual
debts of said company, are to the whole nett profits
arising from the tolls, so is the whole sum secured to
said John Bandell, Junior, by all the securities given
to him and his trustees aforesaid, to his semi-annual
share of said nett profits; the holder of any certificate
of any part of the debt due to said John Randel,
Junior, shall also be entitled to a proportional share of
the indemnity, or security in the hands of said trustees,
and for default of payment of the semi-annual interest
thereon, may direct the said proportional share to be
sold or such part thereof, as will be sufficient to pay
the interest in arrear and due, to him, and in such case
the purchaser or purchasers shall hold the debt so pur-
chased, free from the trust, and be forever entitled to
a proportional share of the tolls, with all the other
creditors; such sale shall be made on the written re-