CHAP. 247.
An act for the benefit of Edmund Gibson, and Mary his
Passed Mar. 28,1836
wife, of Baltimore,
WHEREAS, by deed of trust, dated the twenty-second
day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, be-
tween Edmund Gibson and Mary Gibson, his wife, of
the city of Baltimore, of the one part, and Henry Di-
dier and Edmund Didier, of the same place, of the
other part, certain property therein mentioned, is con-
veyed to said Henry Didier and Edmund Didier, to
and upon certain trusts for the benefit of the said Gib-
son and Mary his wife, and their children; and where-
as, it is represented to this General Assembly, that it
will be for the benefit of said parties, and subserve the
purposes of said trust, if there was a power to dispose
of said property, either in whole or in part, either by
exchange or sale, that the proceeds of such exchange
or sale should be invested by said trustees to and for
the like uses and trusts as are provided by said deed,
and it appearing right and proper that such a power
shall exist: — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Sale or transfer of
That it shall at all times hereafter, be in the power of
property authors-sed
said Henry and Edmund Didier, as trustees, under said
deed, and their successors, with the assent in writing,
of said Gribon and wife, to sell or exchange all or any
of the property mentioned in the said deed, or which
may from time to time he acquired under this act, and
to convey to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, all
the right and title of all the said parties in and to the
same; Provided, however, that the property to be taken
Conditions and proceedings di-
in exchange, be within the State of Maryland, and that
the same, or the proceeds of any sale under this act,
shall be held by said trustees and their successors, to
and for the same uses and trusts in all respects and mat-
ters as is provided by said deed in relation to the pro-
perty therein conveyed; and provided, however, before
any such sale or exchange shall take place, it shall up-
on application by said trustees, and said Gibson and
his wife, to Baltimore county court, as a court of Equi-