benefit of its corporators, or to the President and Di-
CHAP. 246.
rectors thereof, or which by the said acts were inten-
ded to be given, granted, authorised and secured, col-
lectively or severally, as fully and perfectly as if the
same were herein repeated and expressly given, gran-
ted, permitted, authorised and secured to, and confer-
red on the persons who shall subscribe as aforesaid,
their associates and successors, or to and on the com-
pany which is or shall be created by or in pursuance
of this act, so far as the same may or shall be deemed
or found applicable thereto.
Contract authori-sed
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Directors of
the Baltimore and Peach Bottom Rail Road Company,
hereby incorporated or a majority of them, shall be
and they are hereby authorised to contract on such
terms as they may deem advisable with the Baltimore
and Susquehanna Rail Road Company, for the use of
their road in connection with their own road, or for
constructing the Rail Road authorised by this act, as
Lateral road
a lateral road of and in connection with the Baltimore
and Susquehanna Rail Road, and in the event of the
Of Ba;t. & Sus. R. R. C.
contract last mentioned being made, the Baltimore and
Susquehanna Rail Road Company shall have and may
receive the same powers, rights and privileges in the
location, construction, use, control, repair and preser-
vation of the said Baltimore and Peach Bottom Rail
Road, as a lateral road, as they have and may exer-
cise in the location, construction, control, use, repair and
preservation of the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail
Road; and the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail Road
Company, shall be and they are hereby authorised to
subscribe for any and such part of the capital stock of
the company hereby incorporated as they shall deem
Direction of road
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the President and
Directors of said company, shall be, and are hereby
empowered to locate and construct the Rail Read here-
by authorised to be made in any direction, and in any
manner which in their judgment or in the judgment
of a majority of them, shall be most advantageous to
the company hereby incorporated.