or by such other proceedings as may be instituted in the
CHAP. 231.
high Court of Chancery of Maryland, the Chancellor
Proceedings au-
shall have full power and authority, from time to time,
to pass such decrees and orders, for changing the lo-
cation of the home provided for the family of the late
Richard Harwood, of Thomas, to his upper farm in
Arine Arundel county, in lieu of his mansion house in
the city of Annapolis; and also for the sale or other dis-
For disposition of
position of the whole, or any and every part of the es-
tate of the deceased, as in his discretion may seem just
and equitable, and most conducive to the interest of
the creditors, and of the family of the said deceased,
any thing in the last will and testament of the deceas-
ed, or in the laws of this State, to the contrary there-
of in any wise notwithstanding; provided, that the up-
per farm, with the necessary negroes, stock and uten-
sils of husbandry, as set apart therefor by the Orphans'
Court of Anne Arundel county, be not liable to be
sold as aforesaid; Provided also, that no such decree
or order shall have the effect of postponing the period
appointed by the said last will and testament, for the
sale and distribution of such part of the testator's es-
tate, as shall be set apart for the use and support of his
family, until the arrival at age or marriage of his
youngest child.
An act to authorise the executors of William Wilkins, to
Passed Mar.23, 1836
lease certain property therein mentioned, in the City
of Baltimore.
WHEREAS, by the will of the late William Wilkins,
of the city of Baltimore, the executors of said Wilkins
are empowered at their discretion, to sell certain pro-
perty of the said testator therein mentioned, and it is
represented that it would promote the interest of all
parties interested in said property to authorise the said
executors to lease the same, or such portions thereof,
as they in their discretion may deem proper to lease,
and it is doubtful whether under the existing laws such
leases may be made: — Therefore,