CHAP. 230.
shell he authorised to lay on any similar companies, or
the property of said companies.
Confirmation of
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That this act shall have
the company required
no force or effect unless it be accepted by a majority
of the stockholders of the company convened for the
purpose of submitting the same, upon four weeks no-
tice in all the daily newspapers in the city of Balti-
more, to he given by the President and Directors of
the company, and this act if so accepted shall be ta-
ken and held as part of the charter originally granted
to said company, and of the same force and effect as
the said original charter.
Repealing clause
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That so much of the
act and its supplements, to which this is a supplement,
as may be inconsistent with this, he and the same is
hereby repealed.
Passed Mar. 12,1836
An act for the relief of the Representatives of Richard
Harwood, of Thomas, late of the City of Annapolis,
WHEREAS, it is represented by the memorial of Ed-
ward L. Nicholson and others, that a bill has been late-
ly filed in the Court of Chancery, by Thomas S. Alex-
ander, against the representatives of Richard Har-
wood, of Thomas, late of the city of Annapolis, deceas-
ed, for a sale or other administration of the estate of
the said deceased, and that the comfort of the family of
deceased, which appears to have been the great object
of his care, would be greatly promoted, by a departure
in some particulars from the dispositions made by his
last will and testament, and especially in changing the
location of the residence therein provided for his fami-
ly; and whereas, it is doubted whether the Chancellor
has the power by existing laws to make such disposi-
tion of the said estate, as may be necesary to advance
the purpose aforesaid, for removing such doubt,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in the progress of the aforesaid cause,