such unpaid sum or sums shall have been assessed, giving
thirty days notice of such intended sale in two of the news-
papers of the city of Baltimore, and after making such sale
and receiving the purchase money, the said collector shall
by a deed under his hand and seal to be acknowledged and
recorded as other deeds for lands are required to be, pon-
vey the property so sold and paid for to the purchaser, his
heirs and assigns; and such deed shall vest in such purcha-
ser a good and sufficient estate in the property therein de-
scribed, and after deducting the cost of sale, advertising
and so forth, on said property, the collector shall pay over
the said purchase money together with all other sums by
him collected, to the city Register, to be by him paid over
to the persons entitled to receive the same; but in case any
person or persons on whose property is assessed, any sum
or sums of money shall voluntarily pay the same into the
city treasury within forty days after the final return of the
commissioners or judges shall have been made to the Re-
gister of the city of Baltimore aforesaid, such person shall
not be required to pay the commission which is hereinafter
allowed to the city collector for his trouble in collecting
any sum or sums of money assessed under act.
CHAP. 62.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
Register of the city within five days after the damage and
expenses so assessed shall be paid to him, to give notice in
two of the newspapers of the city of Baltimore, that he is
ready to pay the same on demand to each person entitled
thereto, his, her or their agent, and such notice shall be
deemed a legal tender.
Tender of dama-
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That in case any obstructions
in said street shall not be removed within thirty days after
the payment, or tender of payment of damages as afore-
said, the commissioners or a majority of them are hereby
authorised to remove the same forthwith at the expense of
the party continuing such obstruction.
Removal of ob-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted. That said street when so open-
ed shall be deemed and taken, and is hereby declared to be
a public street and highway for ever thereafter, and the
said commissioners are hereby required to return under
their hands and seals, a plat of said street, when so opened
and extended, to the office of the Register of the city of
Baltimore to be there filed.
Public highway.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall be allowed two dollars per day, for every day they
shall be necessarily employed in carrying into effect the
provisions of this law, and the said collector shall be al-
lowed a commission of three per cent, upon all money that
Compensation to
commissioners and