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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 64   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 62.

tions, amendments and additions to be made to and of the
said returns, as the said judges shall deem requisite, and
the said judges on application of the applicants, or any of
them, in the particular case to be tried, or any of the ap-
plicants, if said appeals be consolidated as aforesaid, shall
direct the sheriff of Baltimore county to summon twelve or
more persons, qualified to be jurors oi their court, and
shall empannel any twelve disinterested persons so summon-
ed, to try any cases of appeal aforesaid, on said consolidated
cases, and to try any question of fact, or to ascertain and
decide on the amount of damage or benefit under the direc-
tion of the said court, and the said judges shall not reject
or set aside the return of the commissioners for any defect or
omission, either in form or substance, but shall amend and
supply all such detects and omissions; and conformably to
the verdict or verdicts of any jury or juries aforesaid, or any
decisions as aforesaid, of said cases of appeal, reduce or
increase the amount of damage or benefits assessed, and
alter, modify and correct the said return, in all or any of
its parts, as to the said judges or chief justice, or a majori-
ty of them, shall seem just and proper, and shall cause
their proceedings and decision on the said return and ap-
peals, certified by their clerk, under the seal of their court,
to be transmitted to the register of the city of Baltimore,
which shall be final and conclusive in every respect.

Costs of appeals

Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said judges of Bal-
timore city court shall have full power in their discretion,
to add the reasonable cost of any appeal to be taxed by
them or any part thereof to the damages to be collected for
the opening of said street, or to require such cost or any
part thereof to be paid by all or by either of the appellants,
as the circumstances of each appeal in their opinion shall

Powers to collect.

Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That within ten days after the
time herein before limited for making appeals shall have
elapsed, if no appeal shall have been prayed, or after the
return of the decision on any appeal or appeals to the Re-
gister of said city as aforesaid directed, it shall be the duty
of the said Register to give thirty days notice in two of
the newspapers in the city of Baltimore of the time of the
payment and of the saving of commission as herein after
provided, which time shall be in forty days after the final
return of the commissioners or judges as the case may be,
and should any of the sums assessed as aforesaid or any
part of any such sum not be paid to the said Register
Within the time so limited, the city collector shall then pro-
ceed to sell the properly or any part thereof on which

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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 64   View pdf image (33K)
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