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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 66   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 63.

he shall collect under this law, and that the said commis-
sioners or a majority of them shall have full power and au-
thority to assess and levy upon the persons benefited by the
opening and extending said street, such sum of money as
may be necessary to defray the expenses incurred in the
execution of this act.

Repealing clause.

Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the act, entitled, An act
for opening and extending Pleasant street, in the city of
Baltimore, passed at December session, one thousand eight
hundred and twenty-four, chapter one hundred and fifty
seven, as well as all other acts repugnant to the provisions
of this law, be and the same are hereby repealed,

To be approved.

Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
contained shall be of any force or effect until approved by
the Mayor and city Council of Baltimore.



Passed Feb. 3,1832

A further supplement to the act to Incorporate a Company to
make a Turnpike Road from near Ellicotts' Lower Mills,
towards Georgetown, in the District of Columbia.

Company autho-


Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the company incorporated under the act pass-
ed at November session, eighteen hundred and nine, chap-
ter one hundred and twenty-eight, and the directors of said
company and their successors, be and they are hereby
authorised to carry into effect and operation, the purposes
of said act and the supplement thereto, passed at November
session, eighteen hundred and ten, as if the supplement to
the said original act, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and twenty-eight, had not been enacted.

Privilege reserved

Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall not have
effect until the privilege of the Columbia Turnpike Compa-
ny to make a turnpike road from or near Ellicotts' Mills,to the
line of the District of Columbia, in a direction to George-
town, shall be relinquished by writing, signed by the presi-
dent and under seal of said company, so far as the privilege
extends to making the said turnpike road through Mont-
gomery county; which relinquishment, when so made, shall
be recorded in the office of the clerk of Montgomery county
court, an office copy whereof shall be evidence of such re-
linquishment in all courts of this state; Provided always,


that if the said Columbia Turnpike Company shall here-
after, within the term of three years, signify in writing, un-

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Session Laws, 1831
Volume 213, Page 66   View pdf image (33K)
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