CHAP. 54.
until all the costs, charges and expense of effecting the same
shall be fully paid and discharged, and the aggregate
amount of such expenses shall be liquidated and ascertain-
Keep to the right.
Sec. 15. And be it enacted. That all wagoners and driv-.
ere of carriages of all kinds whatever, of burthen or plea-
sure, using said road, shall, except when passing by a car-
nage of slower draught, keep their horses and carriages
on the right hand of the said road, in the passing direction,
leaving the other side of the road free and clear for other
carriages to pass and repass, and if any driver shall offend
against this provision, he shall forfeit and pay not exceeding
ten dollars, to any person who shall be obstructed in his
passage, and will warrant for the same, to be recovered
with costs, before any justice of the peace in the same
manner as debts under ten pounds are recoverable.
Proceeds of tolls-
Sec. 16. And be it enacted, That the president and
managers of said company shall keep a just and true ac-
count of all monies received by their several and respective
toll gatherers, at their several and respective gates on said
road, which account shall be upon oath or affirmation as the
case may be, when required, and shall make a dividend of
the clear profits and income thereof, not exceeding ten per
cent in any year, among the stock holders, which dividend
shall be declared half yearly in the months of January and
July, and published and paid accordingly.
Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful
for said company to ask demand, or receive of or from any
person or persons within the lines of whose land any gate
may be erected, any tole for passing from one part to an-
other part of said land, along said road, nor shall it be law-
ful for said company to erect or cause to be erected and
kept any toll gate within one mile of Fredereck town or
Free limited.
Sec. 18. And be it enacted, That said president and man-
agers shall commence within two, and shall complete the
same within five years from the passage of this act, other-
wise the right of said company to said road shall revert to
the state of Maryland.