Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That as soon as the company
shall have completed said road, or any five miles thereof,
they shall give notice to the governor of this slate, who
shall nominate, and appoint three skillful and judicious per-
sons, to view and examine the same, and report to him in
writing, whether the said road or part thereof as the case
may be, is executed in a masterly, workmanlike manner,
according to the true intent and meaning of this act, and if
their report shall be in the affirmative, then the governor
shall by license, under his hand and the seal of the state,
authorise the said company to erect and fix such and so
many gates upon, and across the said road, as will be ne-
cessary to collect the tolls hereinafter granted to the said
company, from all persons travelling on the same, with
horses, mules, cattle, wagons, carts and carriages, or ve-
hicles of whatsoever kind.
CHAP. 54.
Examination and
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the said company hav-
ing first perfected the said road, or part thereof, as the case
may be, and obtained the license of the governor to erect
and fix gates thereon, shall have power to appoint such and
so many toll gatherers as they shall think proper, to collect
and receive from all and every person or persons, using
said road, the tolls and rates per mile, according to the
length of the road, as are allowed by law to be charged at
the gates of the Baltimore and Frederick Town Turnpike
road according to the act of assembly incorporating said
company, and to stop any person riding, leading, or driving
any horses, mules, oxen, cattle, hogs, sheep, sulkey, chair,
chaise, phaeton, coach, coachee, cart, waggon, wain, sled,
or other carnage of pleasure, or burden, from passing
through the said gates, until they have paid the same.
Regulations and
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the company hereby in-
corporated, shall have all the power and remedy for injury
to the road, refusal to pay toll, or frauds practised, as given
by the act incorporating the president, managers and com-
pany of the Baltimore and Frederick-Town Turnpike road,
and shall be subject to the same proceedings, and penalty,
in case the said road is not kept in repair, as are provided in
the said act.
Remedy for inju-
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That the president and man-
agers of the said company, shall keep fair and just accounts
of all monies received by them from the said commissioners,
and from the subscribers to the undertaking on account of
the several subscriptions, and also all monies expended in
the prosecution of their said work, and shall, once at least
in every year, submit such account to a general meeting of
the stockholders, until the said road shall be completed, and
Accounts and set-