Rail Company, or from other sources of information, it shall
be ascertained by the president and directors of the said
company, that the said rail road may he located and con-
structed as to go into Washington and Allegany counties, or
into either of them, in such manner as to he beneficially
used for the purposes of travelling and transportation, at a
cost not exceeding the average rate per mile of the whole
cost incurred and to be incurred in constructing, completing
and travelling on the said rail road from Baltimore to the
Point of Rocks, on the Potomac river; it shall then be the
duty of the said president and directors, and the said com-
pany shall remain bound by the condition and agreement
aforesaid, so to construct the said road as to go into the
said counties, or into either of them, as the same shall be
ascertained to be reasonably practicable as aforesaid.
An act to vest certain powers in the Mayor and City Council
Passed Mar. 9, 1832
of Baltimore.
Section 1 Beit enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Authority to make
rail ways, &c.
land, That the mayor and city council of Baltimore, shall
have full power and authority, and they are hereby direct-
ed, on the application, or assent in writing of the owners of
the major part in extent of front feet, of the lots fronting on
each side of any street, or part of a street in the said city,
to pass all such ordinances as shall be necessary for the con-
struction of any track or tracks of railway, on and along any
such street or part of a street; and to permit and cause such
alteration in the grade of such street as may be necessary
for the moie convenient and useful construction of such
railway, and to levy and assess on all the lots fronting on
the street or part of a street through, or on which such rail-
way shall be constructed, or on the owners of such lots.
their just proportion of the expense of such construction,
and enforce the payment thereof; and the proprietor of any
lot in front of which any railway shall be so constructed,
and the just proportion of the expense of constructing which
shall be paid by the owner of such lot shall be entitled at
his or her expense, to have a convenient sideling or turnout
made, to enable the occupiers of such lot to have the bene-
ficial use of the said railway connected therewith.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for
Authority in rela-
any person to erect, or assist in erecting any chymical labo-
tion to chemical