CHAP. 251.
Improvement, a subscription was authorised on behalf of
the state of Maryland, for five thousand shares of stock in
the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, with a pro-
viso, among several others, that the president and directors
of the said company should agree so to locate said road,
that it should go to, or strike the Potomac river at some
point between the mouth of the Monocacy river and the
town of Cumberland, in Albany county, and that it should
go into Frederick, Washington and Allegany counties;
And whereas, the route selected by the president and direc-
tors of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, as be-
ing ascertained by them to be the only practicable one for
the location of their rail road, so as to comply with the
agreement required in the proviso aforesaid, had been chos-
en by the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company as the
route and site for a canal, and it has been decided by the
court of appeals of this state, that the legislature, by an act
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-
four, chapter seventy -nine, bad granted to, and vested in
the said Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, the prior
right of choice of the said route, whereby the Baltimore
and Ohio Rail Road Company, are excluded from all that
part of their selected route which lies west of the Point of
Rockp, on the Potomac river, in Frederick county, to which
point they have located and constructed their said rail road
from the city of Baltimore, and the said Rail Road Com-
pany have prayed to be released from the performance of
so much of the agreement and condition above mentioned,
as they are prevented from performing by the grant and de-
cison aforesaid — and the said prayer being deemed reason-
able — Therefore,
Released from con-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, be and they
are hereby released from the performance of so much of
the condition and agreement mentioned in the above recited
supplementary act, as requires the president and directors
of the said company, so to locate their said rail road, that
it shall go into Washington and Allegany counties; and it
shall be lawful for the said company so to change the route
of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, which they are au-
thorised by their charter to construct, and to locate and
construct the same on, and over such ground, and in such
direction, from any point on the said road already construct-
ed, to the Ohio river, as the said company, on investigation
and consideration, may deem most beneficial, convenient
and practicable: Provided always , That if on a careful ex-
amination by the engineers of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail