dosia Morrison, and Lewis F. Klips tine, administrator of
John Morrison, deceased, to be tried, under the authority
and direction of said court, and said court shall proceed
therein to all intents and purposes, on the record pleadings
and issues in said cause, as if no trial had taken place be-
tween said Mary Ann Reynolds and John Morrison, de-
ceased, to carry fully into effect, the judgment of said court,
granting a new trial, and as if no appeal from said judg-
ment, granting a new trial, had been prayed by said plain-
CHAP. 199,
An act for the benefit of Catliarine Little, and others.
Passed Mar. 2,1833
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly,
by Catharine Little, of the city of Baltimore, that her late
husband Peter Little, of Baltimore county, deceased, devi-
sed and bequeathed to her for life, all his real and personal
estate, with remainder after her death to said Peters's chil-
dren, and that in said real estate is embraced a lot of ground
in the said city, binding on the west side of Green street,
the north side of Mulberry street, and the east side of Pearl
street, bounding about seventy- seven feet, on Green street,
and with a breadth of about seventy seven feet, extending
westerly to Pearl street; that of said lot, the larger part is
in fee simple, and that said Peter Little, by his last will and
testament, directed, that the part of said lot that is in fee
simple as aforesaid, should be demised for ninety-nine years,
renewable forever, but omitted to empower any person to
make such demise; And whereas, it is alleged, that it is by
demising said ground, that it can be rendered most produc-
tive — Therefore,
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That upon application to the Court of Chancery,
by the said Catharine Little, together with the said children,
(the infants among them appearing by a guardian or next
friend,) or if any of said children shall refuse to unite as
applicants, such persons refusing, being made defendants to
such application, and subject to be summoned, and to be re-
quired to answer under such rules and conditions as apply
to causes in Chancery, the said court may order, adjudge
Lease authorised.
and decree, that said ground in fee simple, or a part thereof,
be demised entire or in parcels, for a term or for terms of
ninety-nine years, renewable forever, yielding such rents,
Terms, &c thereof
to be directed by