CHAP. 198.
Passed Feb.24,1832
A further supplement to an act, entitled, A supplement to
the act, entitled, An act to establish a Bank and incorpor-
ate a Company under the name of the Conococheague
Bank, in William sport, in Washington county, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and nineteen, chapter
one hundred and forty-two.
Board of directors
to dose concerns.
Section 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly oj Ma-
ryland, That Jacob T. Towson, Thomas Buchanan, Mi
chael A. Finley, Frisby Tilghman, Daniel Schnebly and
John Bowles, or a majority of them, be and they are here-
by authorised and empowered as a board of directors, to
proceed in carrying into effect the intention of the stock-
holders, inclosing the concerns of said bank, instead of the
persons appointed by the act to which this act is a further
Case of vacancies
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That a majority of the said
persons shall have power to fill all vacancies which may
happen in the direction, during the time it may require to
bring the concerns of the said bank to a close, that in case
of the death or resignation of the present president of said
bank, a majority of the persons aforesaid, shall have power
to appoint some other person to act as president, and shall
also have power to appoint such other officers and agents
as in their judgment, may he necessary to assist them in
carrying into effect the wishes of the stockholders in bring-
ing said institution to a close.
Repeating clause.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That so much of the acts to
which this is a further supplement, as may be inconsistent
with this act, is hereby repealed.
Passed Feb.23,1832
An act for the benefit of Mary Ann Reynolds, of Alle-
gany county.
Directions to re-
instate suit.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the judges of Allegany county court, in the filth judicial
district of the state of Maryland, or any one of them, at
the April term of said court, to be held on the third Mon-
day of April next, are hereby directed and required, upon
motion, to reinstate and put upon the trial docket of said
court at said term, the cause Mary Ann Reynolds vs. Theo-