CHAP. 200.
and subject to such terms and conditions as in that behalf,
shall as herein after provided, be approved, and finally rat-
ified and confirmed by said court; and the said court shall
determine and prescribe how and to whom the said rents
and the benefit of said terms and conditions shall be reser-
ved, so that such reservations conform to the limitations of
said last will and testament; and, for making and executing
said demises, and the deeds thereof, the said court shall ap.
point such person or persons, and under such terms, direc-
tions and conditions, as to said court shall seem proper; and
the person or persons so appointed, shall make report to
Report proceed-
said court, of his, her or their proceedings in the premises,
which proceedings shall be of no effect unless by said court
Subject t to confir-
ratified and confirmed, in order to which ratification and
confirmation, and in the consideration of which proceed-
ings the said court may order and proceed in manner as is
practised in said court, in and about the consideration and
ratification and confirmation of sales of land, made by a
trustee, under decree of said court; and the said court is
hereby empowered from time to time, at discretion, to sub-
Substitute other
stitute any person or persons in the place of the person or
persons originally, or at any time by said court appointed,
to make the said deeds; and upon the ratification and con-
firmation thereof, respectively as aforesaid, the said demi-
Deed to be valid
ses shall be valid and effectual against the devisees of said
Peter Little, and his heirs.
Passed Mar. 2,1832
An act supplementary to an act, entitled, An act to Incorpo-
rate the Warren Manufacturing Company.
WHEREAS, it clearly appears to this Legislature, by the
original act, which passed both houses, and is now on file in
the Senate Chamber, that an error was made in engrossing
the act passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty, chapter seventy-one, entitled, An act to incorporate
the Warren Manufacturing Company, in omitting the word
"share," after the word "each," in the sixth section of the
said act, where the right of voting for the president and di-
rectors of said company is prescribed; And whereas, doubts
may be entertained whether the said original act can be re-
ceived in evidence of the charter of said company, and
therefore whether the said error could be remedied without
the interposition of the Legislature, and it being just and
right that said doubts should be removed— Therefore,