CHAP 26.
Passed Jan. 24, 1832
An act for the shutting up of a certain part of Forrest street
extended, in the city of Baltimore.
Street closed.
To be approved by
Mayor and City
Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland. That all that part of Forrest street extended, as
heretofore located by the commissioners appointed under
the act of December session, eighteen hundred and seven-
teen, chapter one hundred and forty eight, which begins on
Forrest street, at the distance of one hundred and eighty
feet south of Douglas street, and runs thence, nearly par-
allel with Douglas street, to Asquith street, and over a lot
belonging to a certain Columbus E. Cook, of the city of
Baltimore, be, and the same is hereby closed and shut up,
and that the said Columbus E. Cook, shall be, and he is
hereby empowered to inclose, improve and hold the part of
said lot, over which said street was so located, in the same
manner as if such location had never been made.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act con-
tained shall have any force or effect until approved of by
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.
Passed Jan. 24, 1812
An act to authorise the Clerk of Dorchester county court to
record a deed from Hugh Neild, and James Neild to
William Dorsey.
To be recorded.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the clerk of Dorchester county court, be, and
he is hereby authorised and required to receive and record
among the land records of said county a deed of bargain
and sale from Hugh Neild and James Neild, to William
Dorsey, bearing date the twenty-first day of August, one
thousand eight hundred and sixteen for fifty acres of land,
which said deed when so received and recorded shall have
the same force, validity and effect, that it would have had
if the same had been recorded within six months from its
date as the laws require: Provided, that nothing in this act
shall affect the title of a purchaser purchasing the estate
mentioned in said deed, after the date of said deed, without
notice of said deed; And provided, it shall not affect credi-
tors trusting said grantors after the date of said deed, and
prior to the time of recording it.