and death; And, whereas, it seemeth just and equitable,
that an act should be passed for her relief and benefit, —
CHAP. 24.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That all the right, title and interest of the state of
Maryland, of, in and to the lands of John Fonstn, late of
Frederick county, deceased, which have escheated to the
state of Maryland, or to the valuation of said land, as re-
turned by the surveyor of Frederick county, be released
to Sarah Fonstn, of Frederick county, widow of the said
John Fonstn.
Right of the state
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the register of
the land office be authorised and directed to issue a patent
for the land so escheated, called Sarah's Adventure, con-
taining one hundred and forty-eight acres, one rood and
twenty perches, to Sarah Fonstn; Provided nevertheless,
That no patent shall issue, unless the officers fees shall be
first paid.
A supplement to an act, entitled, an act to incorporate the
Frederick Town Savings Institution, passed December
session eighteen hundred and twenty seven, chapter one
hundred and forty two.
Passed Jan. 17, 1832
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the act of Assembly, entitled an act to in-
corporate the Fredericktown Savings Institution, passed
December session eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, chap-
ter one hundred and forty two, be and it is hereby revived
and continued, and that all the acts and proceedings of the
Acts revived.
existing Board of Directors, be, and are hereby confirmed
and made valid so far as consistent with the intention of
said act to incorporate the Fredericktown Savings Institu-
tion, notwithstanding any omission or suspension of regular
elections of Directors in former years, and that the pro-
ceedings of said institution be hereafter confined to the re-
quisitions of said act of incorporation.
Proceedings con-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in all discounts hereafter
made by the Directors of said institution they shall be re-
gulated in their calculations of interest by Rowlett's tables.
Interest, how cal-